annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
Corporate branding for Coral company
Positioning, corporate identity and brand book for the largest manufacturer of meat products
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annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
annual report
Calendar and corporate gift Security Bank 2015 "Made in China"
This year SB Bank’s gifts were as always authentic. Souvenirs from China were brought to Moscow by special flight.
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annual report
Design of product catalog for Moscow Brewing Company
"We wanted not just a product catalog, but also a handy business tool."
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Development of brochures for the Moscow Exchange
The authors who participated in the preparation of the Guide, have big experience in the equity capital markets. The Guide will be extremely useful to readers in the practical use.
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A complex rebranding of Kozel’skiy dairy plant
A simple and effective solution for constructing of communicative packaging for traditional dairy products.
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Naming and corporate identity of "Telecom Business" company
To implement "Business Telecom" ‘s the most economical package of mobile communication “Yellow dog” has developed naming, corporate identity and designed the SIM card tariff "People."
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annual report
Transfin-M Annual Report
The company's activity has great importance for the development of business in our country
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Expobank Annual Report
Since ancient times people build bridges that connect people and countries. Bridge is a symbol of cooperation and creation of new links.
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Image booklet for FGC "Leader" construction company
The visual design of the booklet we have built on a contrasting combination of sketches "by hand" and real photos
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Eurasian Bank Annual Report (Kazakhstan)
The basic idea of the annual report "On the right track" is to link the bank's activities with motorcycle racing.
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Design of package and label for vodka brand Russkaja stal' (Russian Steel)
The basis of brand positioning are legendary tenacity and courage of the Russian soldier, his invincible combat equipment.
Corporate identity and advertising concept of Tradeshow Moscow Coffee and Tea Expo
The original decision of identity and slogan "The business of taste" for the specialized international exhibition of tea and coffee
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corporative style
OGK-2 Calendar for 2014 "The energy of a great country"
Calendar became a map-guide to the areas where the power station companies are situated.
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Calendar for 2014 and a gift for SC Concord "Orange mood"
Calendar pages are devoted to orange holidays from all over the world.
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Calendar for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Special Communication" 2014 "The history of delivery"
Jubilee calendar is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of a special postal service of Russia.
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Calendar and corporate gift for SB Bank for 2014 "Viva Mexico"
All the gift components are designed in a bright Mexican style.
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annual report
Annual Report Binbank
The concept of the report "Your desires inspires us" - clearly disclosed on the report’s special titles.
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Calendar for the plant "Cheremushki" for 2014 "Recent history"
Four "watercolor stories", with an emphasis on products of confectionery and bakery plant.
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Annual report Aeroflot
The annual report got the slogan: "Created for flight" because the sky has become a company’s second home a very long time ago.
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Quarterly calendar for "Mosmetrostroy" for 2014
The designers decided to perform a calendar in Soviet poster graphics style, which contains energetic, capacious and bright motto
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Raiffeisen Bank Annual Report
In the annual report, we have compared the achievements in science and the history of the Austrian and Russian scientists, adding an additional criteria for the selection of material.
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New year corporate gift Ingosstrakh
New year corporate gift for the winter competition in noisy, fun down-runs in the open air with colleagues
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Development of promotional materials NeoTsentr
There is an object in a series of models whose outlines repeat corporate element of the company sign, which symbolizes progress, development and gain.
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Calendar for OGK-2 in 2013 "Energized"
The design concept of the calendar has reflected the full immensity and importance of the company’s activity.
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Development of the brand Pasta La Vista
Naming, corporate identity, design of the promotional package.
Annual Report Expobank
For the annual report we have found an interesting parallel between the grandmaster’s solutions in chess and bank’s strategy.
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The development of brand name and package design for TripTea
Naming for the brand was established on the basis of two bright associations ... During the package design, this principle also has found its embodiment.
Annual Report of the company Mostotrest
We decided to show the long-term projects in the context of the guaranteed result, which the company provides in all areas of its activities.
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Annual report Raiffeisen Bank
We decided to compare the culture of two countries on the example of painting.
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Annual Report ZENIT Banking Group
We have found a parallel between sports game and the Group’s principles. The slogan of the annual report is "Teamplay."
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Corporate gift for the “Yellow Dog”
We wanted to felicitate our dear clients, who collaborates with us and allows realizing many wonderful ideas.
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Corporate Identity for advertising agency HatTrick
The original logo, identity and creative brand book
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Corporate gift for MAKS
SG MAKS for 20 years operates in all main types of insurance in all regions of the Russian Federation.
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Corporate gift for SMP Bank
We unite people via joint creativity.
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Calendar and corporate gift for SK "Zurich" in 2012
The gift points at the company’s Swiss roots.
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Corporate gift for “Soglasie”
Warm, friendly gift, designed for informal relationship with clients
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Calendar Consent
Calendars tells about 12 ways of spending time together with colleagues in noisy and flexible games.
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Naming and Identity of brand Fishka
Design of product label, logo, corporate identity, brand book - brand positioning.
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Brand communication development
for «Andreev's bakeries»We decided to use an emotional, sensual side of the brand with the consumer’s participation.
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Product catalog
of “Vse svoe” companyCatalog delivers company’s mission and philosophy - supplying urban residents with only high-quality natural food.
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Calendar for OGK-2
Signs on the pages of the calendar symbolize the aspects of the company’s activity.
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Image booklet Al pari
The booklet is built on the literal meaning of the economic term "al pari".
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Calendar Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
The most recognizable symbols of company’s countries-customers were made of real materials and laid at the pages of calendar in the genre of mosaic panels.
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Corporate gift for Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
Partners have received exotic souvenirs from Mexico, one of the key markets for the company
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Advertisement Sibur Holding
The slogan of advertisement - "500 years of great chemical discoveries. Now chemistry opens up the world "
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Raiffeisen Bank Annual Report
To transfer the concept we have taken music as a basis - the whole spectrum of both composer and performing art.
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Calendar for “Rossel’hoz bank”
In the design of the calendar was used the idea of the "Shock-ten”
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Calendar for “Zelmer”
Pan Zelmer tests household appliances “Zelmer” in unexpected conditions with his family.
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Calendar Yugoria
In visual design of calendar stripes was used the theme of Russian folk fairy tales.
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Annual Report Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
In this annual report we decided to focus on the national roots of the company
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Annual Report Mostotrest
We decided to show more than just a portfolio of company’s works in infrastructure construction.
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Annual report for “Blagosostoyanie”
A number of changes in the fund should have been reflected in the idea of the annual report.
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Promotional materials AlkoRuss
In the advertising campaign we have conveyed the happiness of simple and pure feelings and pleasures.
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Corporate gift for Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
During the creation of gift special attention was paid to the details, materials, textures.
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The annual report IDGC of Volga
Found a clear metaphor of the continuous transmission of energy and stable work of the company
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Identity LA SOMBRA
Identity of the author's clothing and accessories for young people of Spain and Russia
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TransContainer Annual Report
The emphasis is not on the performance of the past year, but on the future plans and investment for companies
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SMP Bank Annual Report
In this report we managed to combine the reliability of the bank, a serious approach and openness, friendliness towards customers
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Annual Report Gazpromneft
"Gazprom Neft" is one of the largest and rapidly-increasing oil and gas companies in Russia.
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Annual Report Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
Prospects for the company's business are shown via traditional crops
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Advertising Campaign for CITY EXPRESS
Corporate hero for super-company
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Annual report Novolipetsk Steel mill
The annual report is called "The History of Innovation"
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Corporate Brochure Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
The basic idea of the annual report has become the idea to show the prospects and possibilities of further development
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Corporate gift for “Natsionalniy standard” bank
Designers of Yellow Dog have turned to the theme of the best Russian tradition by dedicating a gift to the Russian business and its history.
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Calendar Lukoil Overseas
Calendar has become not only an original gift to friends and partners of the company, but also a kind of musical presentation of the countries in which "Lukoil Overseas" operates.
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Product Catalog SNAPP
Online store of bright individual accessories and hats SNAPP.
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ROSNO Annual Report
There are people who due to their remarkable qualities did those things that many others only dreamt to do.
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TransContainer Annual Report
The main hero of the report became the container and all related graphic elements
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Annual Report URSA Bank
We bet on the bank's bright personality, its courage in making decisions, the desire to be different from the others and the ability to break stereotypes
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Annual Report Allianz Eurasia
Everyone can "fly" over the countries in which Allianz Eurasia operates, and get acquainted with the results of its activity in 2008.
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Annual Report of Raiffeisenbank
During the work on the report, we have decided to emphasize Russian national aspect.
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Corporate souvenir for Lukoil Overseas
What could be more symbolic for the oil company than a barrel of oil?
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Annual Report RTM
When you see this bright bag with real rope handles, do not rush to grab it and run for shopping.
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URSA Bank Annual Report
One gets the impression that the report thoroughly worked over by the staff of the bank.
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Annual Report Central Moscow Depository
The annual report is made in the form of a colorful guide to the cities where the company's offices are.
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Annual Report Lukoil Overseas
This annual report has 2 awards in the field of graphic design
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Advertising Campaign CITY EXPRESS
Objective: To develop the concept and strategy of a new advertising campaign.
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The advertising campaign as a part of the rebranding of the Shipbuilding bank
Has been developed a concept of the advertising campaign, which SB runs as a part of rebranding.
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Shipbuilding Bank Annual Report 2006
Annual Report is illustrated with images of fresh vegetables and fruits, and emphasizes goodness and freshness of bank’s decisions, its balance and maturity.
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Annual Report Central Moscow Depository
The idea of filling out is based on the image of Rorschach inkblots.
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Identity Fitness Club Forma
The brand got entrenched image and color Identity - vigorously running man and orange color.
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New Year's gift Shipbuilding Bank
Exactly this gift has marked the beginning of a beautiful tradition of the bank to present its clients trips to exotic far lands.
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Annual Report Inter-regional TransitTelecom
Being in any city, you can communicate with the world as easily and simply as with a neighbor down the street.
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Annual Report United Metallurgical Company
Being a leader in its sector of the market and pursuing an active and open PR-policy, the company has always been in the media spotlight.
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Annual Report Territorial Generating Company-14
The unique territorial location of the Company has identified theme for the annual report.
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Corporate Identity Flowers
Corporate identity creates a sense of cozy, welcoming place and artistic creative environment at the same time.
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Annual Report Non-Government Pension Fund of electrical energy industry
The basis of the concept of the annual report, in our easy state of mind, has become a theme of hobby. And it is no coincidence.
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Annual Report SB Bank 2003
All elements of the report, including the decorative details of execution, made in the style of an old ship's log.
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Corporate Identity Grishaev, Malyarenko and partners
Corporate monogram with logo combines the rigor and personality.
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Corporate Identity Infosoft
INFOSOFT Company offers its customers a range of high-efficiency solutions in the field of modern information technologies.
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Corporate Identity Le Sommelier
Corporate identity for boutique of astonishing wine
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Corporate Identity Artkom
A corporate identity for leading provider of ATS has been designed
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Corporate Identity Insurance News Agency
Corporate Identity of the agency plays upon the abbreviation of the company name.
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Corporate Identity Dolly
The name of the printing house emphasizes that the Centre is able to make copies of any degree of complexity.
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Corporate Identity Golden Salamander
Salamander is a symbol of security, leading its roots from the mythological image of the animal, which does not burn in the fire.
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Corporate Identity Silk
Work has a reward in the field of design (trademark and corporate identity)
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Corporate Identity Tantselayf (Dancelife)
It is the graphics equivalent of the vortex dance what has formed the basis of the developed corporate identity.
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Shipbuilding Bank Corporate card in honor of 23 February
Congratulations to bank customers
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Shipbuilding Bank Corporate card in honor of 8 March
Congratulations to bank customers
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Corporate card "Monastirksiy and partners" in honor of New Year
Happy New Year from the Chamber of Advocates
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Advertising Campaign ProfitKapital
The campaign tells the story about what an amateurish way of investing can result in.
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Brochure Agroexpert
Corporate Brochure
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Calendar for the investment company BMT
The idea of the calendar dictated by the specifics of the company’s activity.
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Calendar City Express
Calendar tells about what kind of emotions and feelings employees bring in their work.
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Calendar National Standard Bank
Each stripe demonstrates the achievements of our compatriots, who brought the glory to the Russian nation and who are recognized by world values.
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Advertising Campaign Agroexpert / Posters
Chemical protection of plants. "Weed, drink the poison!"
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Calendar Tatspirtprom
In the basis there are 12 stories in the style of legends and associated with various drinks.
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Desktop Calendar (irregularly shaped) Shipbuilding Bank
This year, the bank invites to visit different parts of beautiful France.
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Desktop Calendar (irregularly shaped) Shipbuilding Bank
The style of calendar stripes is made in the spirit of medieval Japanese prints.
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Calendar Golden Line
A sort of an album which is made in the spirit of the famous French photo artist Sarah Moon.
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Desktop Calendar City Express
Another work completed as a part of the advertising campaign of City Express, held under the slogan: "We deliver - you dance."
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Calendar 2006 Lukoil Overseas
The wide geographical presence of the company in countries, each of which has a rich ancient culture and traditions, has suggested a common theme for the calendar - folk art motives of these countries.
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corporate gifts
corporate gifts
corporate gifts
corporate gifts
corporate gifts
corporate gifts
Label Development for whiskey Tartan
It was decided to make the theme of the drink’s origin, using the classic Scottish pattern.
annual report
annual report