Annual report for “Blagosostoyanie”
- Client:
- Non-state pension fund “Blagosostoyanie” – one of the largest non-state pension funds in Russia with 15 year experience on the pension services market.
- Task:
- A lot of changes inside the fund should be reflected in annual report.
Main task of the annual report was to show changes, took place with fund recently – reorganization of sectoral structure relating to the railway transport, in largest public pension company for widest customer audience.

We used metaphor as a base – journey from point of departure to destination point of concrete person – employee of the fund.

15 years history of fund, which started from railway industry, and was, relating to this industry for a long time, gave us an interest decision. Main part of journey implemented by trains, railways, and then, the “Character” went out and was going in big city, with vast possibilities. This precisely told history of the company as well as its potential resources for growth and development.
Also, photo session was conducted, fixing different fragments and stages of journey like by your own eyes.
Also, photo session was conducted, fixing different fragments and stages of journey like by your own eyes. Furthermore, key performance indicators of the company were fit in visual environment.
Dynamical history, full of energy, supplemented with slogan “Move further”, which connected achievements in present and ambitious plans for the future.