Calendar and corporate gift Security Bank 2015 "Made in China"
This year SB Bank’s gifts were as always authentic. Souvenirs from China were brought to Moscow by special flight.
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OGK-2 Calendar for 2014 "The energy of a great country"
Calendar became a map-guide to the areas where the power station companies are situated.
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Calendar for 2014 and a gift for SC Concord "Orange mood"
Calendar pages are devoted to orange holidays from all over the world.
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Calendar for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Special Communication" 2014 "The history of delivery"
Jubilee calendar is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of a special postal service of Russia.
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Calendar and corporate gift for SB Bank for 2014 "Viva Mexico"
All the gift components are designed in a bright Mexican style.
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Calendar for the plant "Cheremushki" for 2014 "Recent history"
Four "watercolor stories", with an emphasis on products of confectionery and bakery plant.
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Quarterly calendar for "Mosmetrostroy" for 2014
The designers decided to perform a calendar in Soviet poster graphics style, which contains energetic, capacious and bright motto
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Calendar for OGK-2 in 2013 "Energized"
The design concept of the calendar has reflected the full immensity and importance of the company’s activity.
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Calendar and corporate gift for SK "Zurich" in 2012
The gift points at the company’s Swiss roots.
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Corporate gift for “Soglasie”
Warm, friendly gift, designed for informal relationship with clients
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Calendar Consent
Calendars tells about 12 ways of spending time together with colleagues in noisy and flexible games.
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Calendar for OGK-2
Signs on the pages of the calendar symbolize the aspects of the company’s activity.
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Calendar Sibur-Mineral Fertilizers
The most recognizable symbols of company’s countries-customers were made of real materials and laid at the pages of calendar in the genre of mosaic panels.
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Calendar for “Rossel’hoz bank”
In the design of the calendar was used the idea of the "Shock-ten”
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Calendar for “Zelmer”
Pan Zelmer tests household appliances “Zelmer” in unexpected conditions with his family.
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Calendar Yugoria
In visual design of calendar stripes was used the theme of Russian folk fairy tales.
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Calendar Lukoil Overseas
Calendar has become not only an original gift to friends and partners of the company, but also a kind of musical presentation of the countries in which "Lukoil Overseas" operates.
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New Year's gift Shipbuilding Bank
Exactly this gift has marked the beginning of a beautiful tradition of the bank to present its clients trips to exotic far lands.
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Calendar for the investment company BMT
The idea of the calendar dictated by the specifics of the company’s activity.
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Calendar City Express
Calendar tells about what kind of emotions and feelings employees bring in their work.
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Calendar National Standard Bank
Each stripe demonstrates the achievements of our compatriots, who brought the glory to the Russian nation and who are recognized by world values.
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Calendar Tatspirtprom
In the basis there are 12 stories in the style of legends and associated with various drinks.
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Desktop Calendar (irregularly shaped) Shipbuilding Bank
This year, the bank invites to visit different parts of beautiful France.
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Desktop Calendar (irregularly shaped) Shipbuilding Bank
The style of calendar stripes is made in the spirit of medieval Japanese prints.
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Calendar Golden Line
A sort of an album which is made in the spirit of the famous French photo artist Sarah Moon.
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Desktop Calendar City Express
Another work completed as a part of the advertising campaign of City Express, held under the slogan: "We deliver - you dance."
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Calendar 2006 Lukoil Overseas
The wide geographical presence of the company in countries, each of which has a rich ancient culture and traditions, has suggested a common theme for the calendar - folk art motives of these countries.