Annual Report Gazpromneft
- Client:
- “Gazprom Neft” – one of the biggest and quick-growing oil and gas company in Russia.
- Task:
- Develop annual report design for 2009 for the leader of the oil production industry and petroleum refining market.
During short period of company exists, “Gazprom Neft” became leader on the petroleum refining market and created business prospects for growth and development. Last year was marked by modernization of production process and active penetration on the retail market.

“Working for this report, we wanted to emphasize, that “Gazprom Neft” differs from competitors first of all, by unique human resources –employees, who contribute their knowledge and energy to growth and development of the business”

During this period company achieved success and opened wide fueling station network with wide range of products. We decided to demonstrate these achievements through the people – company employees, who work on the different stages of production in various spheres – oil production, petroleum refining, financial management.
“Working for this report, we wanted to emphasize, that “Gazprom Neft” differs from competitors first of all, by unique human resources –employees, who contribute their knowledge and energy to growth and development of the business” - comments creative director of the “Yellow Dog” Ilya Mitroshin. We tried to make accent on the company openness, on the clear understanding for what and for whom business works.

Slogan of the annual report – “Energy for life, energy for people” – emphasized, from the one hand, that company is customer – oriented, from the other hand, large scale of activity.