Annual Report URSA Bank
- Client:
- URSA Bank - Russian commercial bank, which existed from 2006 to 2009. After the merger with MDM Bank of 7 August 2009 became a part of MDM
- Task:
- To develop the design of the annual report
Just like the last year, we decided to bet on the bank's bright personality, its courage in making decisions, the desire to be different from the others and the ability to break stereotypes, in short, to everything that the Bank is guided in its work.

These are the principles that determine the success and dynamic development of the bank in 2008, as well as the ability to guide the whole team to remain loyalty to the chosen strategy, and we wanted to reflect it in the annual report. Even the slogan is invented appropriately: "It's always in its own style"
Bank’s bright individuality is emphasized with all kinds of small parts, used in the visual design of the report
In the design of each special title we used an object or accessory, which is an attribute of the life of the businessman. Each video is composed from identical items mostly gray or black, with the exception of one, non-standard and bright, made in the company's yellow-orange color and standing out sharply against the background of a general dullness. For example, a stylish cabriolet on a background of dull black limousines. Or funny yellow umbrella among the usual dark kin. Via this move our designers underlined the bank's identity, its dissimilarity to the others, the ability to be creative in solving various issues.
Bank’s bright individuality is emphasized with all kinds of small parts, used in the visual design of the report. For example, a simple office marker, pen or pencil here are part of the graphs. A well-known CD-ROM, -clerical document case or ordinary wall clock turn into a custom chart. So even the most usual financial calculations and figures in the report of "URSA Bank" do not look dull and dry.